Bhante Gunaratana's Talks and Books

20.04.11 AM Metta Instructions + Q&A on Impermanence; Self / Not-self ; Mindfulness; Right Effort54
20.04.11 PM Metta Instructions + Q&A on Morality; 5 Aggregates; Sutta Study; Mindfulness of Dhammas55
20.04.12 AM Metta Instructions + Q&A on Kamma; Reincarnation; Hindrances; Enlightenment Factors56
20.04.12 PM Metta Instr. + Q&A on Dhamma; Metta Benefits vs. Mindfulness Practice; Generosity57
20.04.13 BG AM Metta Instr. + Q&A on Sutta repetition; Right View; Ways to Enlightenment; Hindrances58
20.04.13 BG PM Metta Instructions + Q&A on Dukkha; Four Postures; Metta vs Anger; Self-hatred59
20.04.14 BG AM Metta Instr. + Q&A on Self / Non-self; Sankhara; Jhanas; Tetrads; Thought-Worlds60
20.04.14 BG PM Metta Instr. + Q&A on Abhidhamma; Dependent Origination; Concentration; Meditation61
20.04.15 BG AM Metta Instructions + Q&A on Impermanence; Fetters Vs. Hindrances; Ignorance;62
20.04.15 BG PM Metta Instr. + Q&A on Conceit; Mind training; Equanimity; Consciousness; Dreams63
20.04.17 PM Metta Instr. + Q&A on Eternalism vs. Nihilism, The Middle Path; Snake & Boat simile64
20.04.18 BG AM Metta Instructions + Dependent Origination Dhamma talk #3 Ignorance65
20.04.18 PM Metta Instructions + Q&A on Dependent Origination- Ignorance Day#3 by Bhante Gunaratana66
20.04.19 BG AM Metta Instructions + Dependent Origination Talk #4 - Factors supporting Ignorance67
20.04.19 BG PM Metta Instructions + Q&A on Dependent Origination68
20.04.20 BG AM Metta Instr. + Dependent Origination Dhamma Talk #5 Fetters - Personality View & Doubt69
20.04.20 BG PM Metta Instructions + Q&A on Dependent Origination70
20.04.21 BG AM Metta Instr. + Dependent Origination Dhamma Talk #6 Underlying Tendencies & Fetters71
20.04.21 BG PM Metta Instr. + Q&A on Sankhara; Impermanence; and Dependent Origination72
20.04.22 BG AM Metta Instructions + Dependent Origination Dhamma Talk #7 Fetters cont.73
20.04.23 BG AM Metta Instr. + Dependent Origination Dhamma Talk #8 Eliminating Fetters74
20.04.23 BS PM Metta Instructions + Q&A on Corona Karma; Restlessness; Struggles of Alonenness75
20.04.24 BG AM Metta Instr.+ Dependent Origination Dhamma Talk #9 Buddha's Discourse on Fetters MN276
20.04.24 BS PM Metta Instructions + Q&A on Girimananda Sutta; Self-confidence; Impermanence;77
20.04.25 BG AM Metta Instr. + Dependent Origination Dhamma Talk #10 Ignorance and Five Aggregates78
20.04.25 BS PM Metta Instructions + Q&A on Life's purpose; Anicca; Right Thought79
20.04.26 BG AM Metta Instr. + Dependent Origination DhammaTalk #11 Ignorance Perpetuating thru Perception80
20.04.27 Physical, Verbal & Mental Sankhara // Bhante Gunaratana //Dhamma Talk & Metta Instructions81
20.04.28 Sankhara and Kamma // Bhante Gunaratana // Dhamma Talk & Metta Instructions82
20.04.29 Sankhara - Five Aggregates // Bhante Gunaratana // Dhamma Talk & Metta Instructions83
20.04.30 Aggregate of Volitional Activities // Bhante Gunaratana // Dhamma Talk & Metta Instructions84
20.05.01 Steps to See Things as They Really Are // Bhante Gunaratana // Dhamma Talk & Metta Instr.85
20.05.02 Understanding Kamma and Sankhara // Bhante Gunaratana // Dhamma Talk & Metta Instructions86
20.05.03 Merits // Bhante Gunaratana // Dhamma Talk & Metta Instructions87
20.05.04 Meritorious Service // Bhante Gunaratana // Dhamma Talk & Metta Instructions88
20.05.05 Skillful - Unskillful Kamma // Bhante Gunaratana // Dhamma Talk & Metta Instructions89
20.05.06 Relationship between Kamma and Intention // Bhante Gunaratana // Dhamma Talk & Metta Instr90
20.05.08 Working of Kamma // Bhante Gunaratana // Dhamma Talk & Metta Instructions91
20.05.08 Working of Kamma // Bhante Gunaratana // Dhamma Talk & Metta Instructions92
20.05.09 Wholesome - Unwholesome Kamma // Bhante Gunaratana // Dhamma Talk & Metta Instructions93
20.05.10 "Vijnana - Six types of Consciousness" // Bhante Gunaratana // Dhamma Talk & Metta Instr.94
2017 Metta Retreat : Day 1 Q&A : Bhante Gunaratana109
2017 Metta Retreat : Day 5 Q&A : Bhante Gunaratana110
2017 Metta Retreat : First Day Dhamma Talk : Bhante Gunaratana111
2017 Metta Retreat: Wrapping Up Metta : Bhante Gunaratana112
20200404 BG AM Metta Instructions + Q&A on Consciousness; Enlightened Beings, Death and Samsara191
20200406 BG AM Meditation + Q&A on Metta Benefits, Ratana Sutta Chanting193
20200407 BG PM Covid-19 Metta Meditation + Q&A196
20200409 BG AM Metta Instructions + Q&A on Ethical Conduct, Concentration; and Dealing w/ Regrets199
20200409 BG PM Metta Instructions + Q&A on Metta, Five Aggregates and Dependent Origination200